Adding a static method in knownTypes is not working with Java17


With Java 8/11, we successfully managed to call static methods inside our templates.

For example, it works fine with this class :

public class DateUtil {
  public static String format(String date) {
    return "...";

and this configuration :

assembler = new DocumentAssembler();
assembler.assembleDocument(..., ..., ...);

But, when we try the same thing with Java17, we’re facing this issue :

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: An error has been encountered at the end of expression 'DateUtil.format("..."))]'. Can not resolve method 'format' on type 'class [...].DateUtil'.

Is there anything else we have to do if we want to make it work with Java17 ?


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The problem arises from the newly introduced constraints on reflection usage in Java 17. This issue is acknowledged and essentially not a bug. To address it, insert the following code before assembling a document:


It’s important to note that this setting can be established just once, perhaps during application startup, as it impacts all subsequent documents being constructed.

Thank you for the quick feedback.

It works fine when I disable the reflection optimization (with setUseReflectionOptimization and not setReflectionOptimization).

The documentation isn’t explicit about the fact that it must be disabled with Java17, maybe this should be updated ?

Thanks again for your time.

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We’ll surely add this in documentation. Thanks.