Compare and find the exact difference of top and left of a shape or a table in .NET

ChangeInfo gives empty string in Text property:
Change Type: Inserted
Change Text:
Source Text
Target Text
Change ComparisonAction: None - Change Box: X: 47.9844, Y: 1007.672, Width: 719.7661, Height: 35.79636
See Comparison_GroupDocs_Template Horizontal (16.3 KB)

Here is the other example that you requested. In MSWord_Template Page (26.0 KB)
document, image is overlapping header and in TextControl_Template Page (13.0 KB)
document the image is below inside the body. How can we track them?

Also, please let me know if you have any update on missing line?



We are investigating this issue with ticket ID COMPARISONNET-2628.

This issue is also under investigation and the investigation ticket ID is COMPARISONNET-2629.

Please note that all free support issues are handled on first come first served basis. This issue is still in the queue. However, you can avail priority support in order to expedite it.


We’ve an update on this issue. Currently, the position and layout options for pictures are not tracked. We will try to add this feature in some upcoming API release (probably 21.4). However, you’ll be notified in case of any further update.


Please have a look at this screenshot.png (19.0 KB).
The “SourceText” and “TargetText” properties are designed to detect and present more advanced information about changes.
For example, finding a paragraph where a change was noticed and providing the state of a given paragraph from both documents.
Based on this, if the paragraph is fully inserted - this means that the “SourceText” will be empty, and the value in “TargetText” will fully correspond to the value of “Text”.
If we consider another example: one word from the paragraph was changed, in the properties “SourceText” and “TargetText” will be the state of the paragraph from different documents as shown in the screenshot.


We have thousands and thousands of documents to compare that are same but comes from different source.
We are trying to automate the comparison and know what are the differences.

Would you mind setting up a meeting invite for presenting the demo and answering couple of our scenarios?

We work in US eastern time zone.


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Please have a look at our free support policy. I am afraid but all the free support matters are only handled over this forum.

Hello Atir,

We have got one stylechanged where all three text fields were empty. What does that imply?
What does it imply?

Change Type: StyleChanged
Change Text:
Source Text
Target Text
Change ComparisonAction: None - Change Box: X: 46.0517, Y: 111.2972, Width: 256.9165, Height: 32.98928
Property: Width - Old Value: 188.65 - New Value: 189
Property: Height - Old Value: 21.85 - New Value: 21.75

In the below screenshot of document comparison, a table was shifted into the next line. In the comparison doc it gives something changed but doesn’t tell what’s changed. Its not even being tracked in changes via APIs.
Table-reinserted-next-line.png (2.7 KB)

Regarding that demo, I am not asking for more support, I am asking for a demo so that we can decide that the product meets our requirement for massive comparison task that we have ahead. The management can then make decision to purchase the product as well as paid support.



We’ll surely help you out here. Could you please also share those documents? We’ll compare them at our end and answer your questions in details.

Hello Atir,

  1. I am trying to compare MSWord_Template Horizontal (29.6 KB)
    with TextControl_Template Horizontal (13.7 KB)
    I am getting lots of changes for deletion of HeaderFooter.0001_GDResults_Template Horizontal (17.4 KB)

Can you please explain why are those entries coming?

  1. For this document comparison MSWord_Default CC (11.8 KB)
    with TextControl_Default CC (5.4 KB)
    the position alignment is changed DefaultCCForm.png (2.5 KB)
    I think this resultset is not tracking it. 0001_GDResults_Default CC (1.9 KB)

My code looks like:

public int CompareDocs(Stream doc1Stream, Stream doc2Stream, string customerFolder, string templateName, string counter)
string extension = Utility.GetFileExtension(doc1Stream);
string outputFileName = Path.Combine($"{ Constants._ComparisonDirectoryPath}{customerFolder}\{Constants._GDResultsDirectoryNameDocx}\", $"{counter}GDResults{templateName}.{extension}");

        using (Comparer comparer = new Comparer(doc1Stream))
            CompareOptions compareOptions = new CompareOptions()
                InsertedItemStyle = new StyleSettings()
                    HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow,
                    FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGreen,
                    IsUnderline = true,
                    IsBold = true,
                    IsStrikethrough = true,
                    IsItalic = true
                DeletedItemStyle = new StyleSettings()
                    HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGreen,
                    FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed,
                    IsUnderline = true,
                    IsBold = true,
                    IsStrikethrough = true,
                    IsItalic = true
                ChangedItemStyle = new StyleSettings()
                    HighlightColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray,
                    FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkBlue,
                    IsUnderline = true,
                    IsBold = true,
                    IsStrikethrough = true,
                    IsItalic = true
                GenerateSummaryPage = true,
                ExtendedSummaryPage = true,
                CompareVariableProperty = true,
                //CompareDocumentProperty = true,
                CompareBookmarks = true,
                SensitivityOfComparison = 100,
                HeaderFootersComparison = true,
                CalculateCoordinates = true,
                ShowDeletedContent = true,
                DetalisationLevel = DetalisationLevel.High,
                DetectStyleChanges = true,
                MarkChangedContent = true,
                MarkNestedContent = true,
                ShowInsertedContent = true
            string outputTextFileName = Path.Combine($"{ Constants._ComparisonDirectoryPath}{customerFolder}\\{Constants._GDResultsDirectoryNameTxt}\\", $"{counter}_GDResults_{templateName}.txt");
                comparer.Compare(File.Create(outputFileName), compareOptions);
                ChangeInfo[] changes = comparer.GetChanges();
                string comparison = string.Empty;
                foreach (var change in changes)
                    comparison += $"Change Type: { change.Type.ToString()} {Environment.NewLine} Change Text: {change.Text} {Environment.NewLine} Source Text {change.SourceText} {Environment.NewLine} Target Text {change.TargetText} {Environment.NewLine}";
                    comparison += $"Component Type: { change.ComponentType}, Change ComparisonAction: {change.ComparisonAction.ToString()},{Environment.NewLine}";
                    comparison += $"Change Box: X: { change.Box.X.ToString() }, Y: { change.Box.Y.ToString() }, Width: { change.Box.Width.ToString() }, Height: { change.Box.Height.ToString() } {Environment.NewLine}";
                    comparison += $"Page Info: Page number - { change.PageInfo.PageNumber }, Page Width: {change.PageInfo.Width}, Page Height: {change.PageInfo.Height}{Environment.NewLine}";

                    foreach (var styleChange in change.StyleChanges)
                        comparison += $"Property: { styleChange.PropertyName} - Old Value: { styleChange.OldValue } - New Value: {styleChange.NewValue} {Environment.NewLine}";
                    comparison += $"===================================================================={Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}";
                File.WriteAllText(outputTextFileName, comparison);
            catch(Exception ex)
                log.Error($"Error in Convertint Document: {Environment.NewLine}{ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.ToString()}");
                    $"Error in Converting Document: {Environment.NewLine}{ex.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ex.ToString()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"\nDocuments compared successfully.\nCheck output in {Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}.");
        return 1;



We are investigating this. The investigation ID for this issue is COMPARISONNET-2651.

This scenario is also under investigation with ticket ID COMPARISONNET-2652.
We’ll notify you as there’s any progress update.


Please have a look at this screenshot.png (8.6 KB). Let us know if this is what you are expecting.

@Atir_Tahir If you see the documents side by side, whole table is shifted to right. Location changes are not tracked.


You want to see a list of differences something like:
“table position was changed: old position , new position”.
Currently tracking of changes for the table position is implemented like in the attached screenshot (shared earlier). We could try to improve it but cannot share any ETA at the moment.

Thanks, Is there any incident( COMPARISONNET) opened for it?

Our management is trying to finalize the decision on purchasing the tool so all these points incidents we are tracking to present to upper management which will help them in decision making.



COMPARISONNET-2626 is expected to be fixed in API version 21.3.
COMPARISONNET-2629 and COMPARISONNET-2651 are still under investigation. However, they are expected to be fixed in API version 21.4.
COMPARISONNET-2628, this issue is already addressed here.
COMPARISONNET-2652, we already shared progress update here.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as COMPARISONNET-2626) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by Atir_Tahir


Can you please tell us what is the comparison unit of the coordinates or height or width?

Is it mm or inch or something else?



It is pixels. But it also depends on document format. Could you please explicitly define the documents and we’ll assist you accordingly?

TextControl_Template Horizontal (13.7 KB)

This is the document. Can you please let us know what document format we should look at to find the measurable unit?

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We’ll investigate the document and let you know about the outcomes.