PDF to Spreadsheet conversion issue in Java

I just started using the Groupdocs.Conversion api. I am trying to convert a pdf to spreadsheet using the code below:

ConversionHandler ConversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(Configuration());
CellsSaveOptions saveOptions = new CellsSaveOptions();
String Converted_Document_Path = ConversionHandler.convert"./Data/input/Statement_Sam_red.pdf", saveOptions);
System.out.println("Converted filepath: "+ Converted_Document_Path);

When I run the application it gives me the error "File not found" but I am able to access the file using JavaIO methods. Am I doing something wrong here ?


Using GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 20.2.1, you can convert a PDF file to Spreadsheet using few lines of code:

using (Converter converter = new Converter(@"D:/sample.pdf"))
       SpreadsheetConvertOptions options = new SpreadsheetConvertOptions();
       converter.Convert(@"D:/output.xlsx", options);

You can also set conversion options such as page number to convert, set zoom level etc. Please take a look at API documentation.