DOCX to TIF - Multi-Page

We are looking at your evaluation tool and want to know if there is a way to convert a multiple-page DOCX or DOC file to a Multi-Page TIF. Right now, the code we have tried only converts that last page. I am unsure if this is because we are using an evaluation version of the tool or if I don’t have the settings I need. TIA for the help.

Here is my sample code.

string inputFileName = @"D:\Testing\Imports\MultiPageDocument.docx";
	string outputFileTemplate = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFileName, "tif");

	Func<int, Stream> getPageStream = page => new FileStream(string.Format(outputFileTemplate, page), FileMode.Create);
	using (Converter converter = new Converter(inputFileName))

		ImageConvertOptions options = new ImageConvertOptions
			Format = ImageFileType.Tiff,
			Grayscale = true,
			UsePdf = false,
			TiffOptions = new TiffOptions
				Compression = TiffCompressionMethods.Ccitt4,

		converter.Convert(getPageStream, options);
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In order to convert a multipage source file into a multipage result file (TIF), the following Func should be used:

Func<Stream> getDocumentStream = () => new FileStream(string.Format(outputFileTemplate), FileMode.Create);

and the complete code snippet is:

//C# code to convert DOCX file to multipage TIF
// Define the input file path for the Word document
string inputFileName = @"D:\Testing\Imports\MultiPageDocument.docx";

// Construct the output file path by changing the extension to "tif"
string outputFileTemplate = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFileName, "tif");

// Create a delegate function that returns a new FileStream for the output file
Func<Stream> getDocumentStream = () => new FileStream(string.Format(outputFileTemplate), FileMode.Create);

// Create a new Converter instance and use it to convert the Word document to TIFF
using (Converter converter = new Converter(inputFileName))
    // Define the conversion options
    ImageConvertOptions options = new ImageConvertOptions
        // Set the output file format to TIFF
        Format = ImageFileType.Tiff,

        // Convert the document to grayscale
        Grayscale = true,

        // Disable the use of PDF conversion
        UsePdf = false,

        // Set the TIFF compression method to CCITT4 (Group 4 Fax)
        TiffOptions = new TiffOptions
            Compression = TiffCompressionMethods.Ccitt4,

    // Perform the conversion using the defined options and the getDocumentStream delegate
    converter.Convert(getDocumentStream, options);

Take a look at this output - (4.0 KB). Let us know if issue persists.

WOW, thanks. It was staring me right in the face, and I didn’t see it.


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You are welcome.