Localization in .NET document annotation API

I found this question http://groupdocs.com/Community/forums/544/localization-functionality/showthread.aspx#544 without answer. How to change language of interface?


GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET doesn’t support any localizations at this moment, it contains only English interface. However localization support was already planned and is present in the roadmap.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.

You can inject your custom language with this Workaround in .NET:

1. Extract the “localizedStrings” property from “new WidgetFactory().Annotation().ElementId(“annotation-widget”).Locale(Groupdocs.Web.UI.SupportedLocales.ruRU).ToHtmlString()” (other languages might be incomplete)

2. Modify the localization property to your needs

3. Replace the default localization with your own: WidgetFactory().Annotation().ElementId(“annotation-widget”).ToHtmlString().Replace(“localizedStrings : null”, yourLocalization)

But an integrated custom localization (bound to resource files with an English template) would be great!


Yes, with the GroupDocs.Annotation v1.8.0 for .NET library there are available 6 localizations:
  • en-US
  • es-ES
  • pt-PT
  • nb-NO
  • pl-PL
  • ru-RU
You can set one of them using the Html.Groupdocs().Annotation().Locale front-end helper method.