GroupDocs Comparison AppCompanent OnInit Metod


May you please clarify why have you withdrawn the topic? Have you managed to fix this issue?

My problem persists. Only when I entered the fourth parameter “FIRST” and “SECOND” I got no error.

The first problem I mentioned still persists.

(I wrote the topic I deleted as an edit in the post above.)


Go it, thank you for the clarification. We’re looking into this issue.

image.png (283.5 KB)

image.png (44.4 KB)


I’m sorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately, we’ve failed to reproduce this issue. It seems that the issue is located somewhere in the compare method as all of the requests in your screenshots are successful. Can you please attach the files you’re comparing?

The files I compared.

It just says “Test Verisi” (Test Data) in its content.
Folders “.docx with extension”

test1.docx (13.9 KB)
test.docx (13.7 KB)

Compared file
cfa8bd6c-a9b7-49d4-9f28-77337e09800e.docx (11.6 KB)


Thank you for attaching the files. Unfortunately I can’t reproduce this issue see test-and-test1.png (64.7 KB). I’m using the sample app that can be downloaded at

Can you please provide your client (Angular) app code or a complete application that I could use to reproduce this issue?


This project has not been opened, can you send it again?


Hello, in the project we developed as a test, when you press the “Compare” button manually, the selected “data image” appears. But in the project we are having a problem with, these images are not being loaded. Could this be the problem?

image.png (23.7 KB)


I’ve updated and reuploaded the application, please try this link
After the app is starts try pasting http://localhost:8080/comparison/?first=test.docx&second=test1.docx into the address bar.


I reviewed your project., My project is exactly the same.

Only difference

image.png (93.1 KB)
image.png (119.0 KB)

Do we have a chance to create live support with “AnyDesk” or “TeamViewer”?

I will be following this post. When we reply, we can connect.


Unfortunately, we do not provide support over any remote management tools.

As I can see from the screenshots, the application is works as expected. Can you please clarify what was the expected behavior?


After the “compare” operation, the result information is returned. But the “Loading Please Wait” message freezes on the screen.
My Project
image.png (1.3 KB)

Your Project - Expected behavior
image.png (24.5 KB)


Can you please share your OnInit method in case you’ve overridden it? Please also make sure to use the latest version of @groupdocs.examples.angular/comparison package.

app.component.ts.7z (1.5 KB)

image.png (30.1 KB)

Latest version;
image.png (2.2 KB)

I took a video of my problem and uploaded it to dropbox. Thank you for your help.


Thank you for sharing the details, we’ll take a look and update you.

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Thank you for providing app.component.ts. We’ve managed to reproduce this issue on our side. This issue is under investigation now.


Oooww Good Work​:clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:.

Thank you for feedback. I’m waiting for the solution. :blush:

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We’ll update you when we have a working solution.