Edit Word Processing document using .NET

Getting error when calling editor1.Edit()… “Specified element ‘INPUT’ has content category ‘Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, FormAssociated’, while interactive content is prohibited for the ‘a’ element\r\nParameter name: newElement”

Editor editor1 = new Editor(fullpath);
WordProcessingEditOptions editOptions = new WordProcessingEditOptions();
editOptions.EnableLanguageInformation = true;
EditableDocument readyToEdit = editor1.Edit(editOptions);
var content = readyToEdit.GetEmbeddedHtml();
File that is giving error is attached…
Sildenafil_Revatio_NO_Med_Policy.zip (33.6 KB)


This issue is reproduced at our end. Hence, we’ve logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID EDITORNET-1549. We’re now investigating it. As there’s any further update, you’ll be notified.

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Thanks! You should be getting a call from ClaimLogiq CTO Justin Hudd. We need this issue fixed in order to buy GroupDocs.Word.


We are investigating the issue and once there’s any update you’ll be notified.

We’d like to guide you that its GroupDocs.Editor for .NET.

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Your reported issue EDITORNET-1549 is fixed in latest release of the API.