I have a few major questions about your html file image or content extractor tool

I have a few major questions about your html file image or content extractor tool that you have made in the free demo section for groupdocs parser.

So can the extractor tool will extract billions or trillion or thousand images Media videos audio files from within my html files because I am trying to make a offline html web archive search database based from the extracted content from within the html file for viewing offline without connecting to the internet which i had got this interesting topic from my head since for a long time since now that I want to make my project for free and affordable for myself and my previous experience with this project was a bit more like from a web archive or archived web content search content a start from scratch project that I had started for a very long time when I was brainstorming this project to myself and handle with care from my idea that I was looking forward to this project please.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Can I interact with my extracted image content now that I had extracted the image content