Viewing a document shows incorrect image path

We trying to load in CV inline viewer with company logo and it is not loading. It is showing incorrect path.

Could you please introduce technical contact person to guide us to resolve this issue.

Please find attached html file and this file we trying to load CV inline viewer and logo path is given below.

<img src="" alt=“Logo” cl-ass=“logo” height=“70” width=“120” style=“margin-top:10px !important;” />

Online Application
<!-- Header Section -->
<table style="border: currentColor;  border: solid #000 2.5pt; padding: 0 5.4pt 0 5.4pt; width: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <tr height="80px">
            <td width="281" valign="top" style="border-width: 1.5pt 0 1.5pt 1.5pt; padding: 0 5.4pt;  width: 210.95pt; height: 70pt; background-color: transparent;">
                <img src="" alt="Logo" cl-ass="logo" height="70" width="120" style="margin-top:10px !important;" />
            <td width="431" valign="top" style="border-width: 1.5pt 1.5pt 1.5pt 0; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 323.2pt; height: 70pt; background-color: transparent;">
                <p align="right" style="margin: 0 5.95pt 0 0; text-align: right; font-size: 22px; margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:15px;"><b>Application Form</b></p>
                <p align="right" style="margin: 0 5.95pt 0 0; text-align: right;"><i>Confidential</i></p>
<p style="margin: 0 0 0;"></p>

<!-- Details of Post Applied For -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 20px;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt;" colspan="2">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Details of Post Applied For</b></p>

            <td width="319" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width:0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding:0 5.4pt; width: 239.3pt; ">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Position Applied For</p>
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">(Please specify areas of interest for speculative applications).</p>
            <td width="393" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 294.85pt; background-color: transparent;">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Teacher of A Level Film Studies </p>
<!-- /Details of Post Applied For -->

<p style="margin: 0 0 0;"></p>

<!-- Applicant Details -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 20px;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Applicant Details</b></p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc)</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> Mrs</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">First Name</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> sdd</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Middle Name (s)</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent">ddd</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Last Name</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> sddsd</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Previous Name</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent">fdff</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Mobile Phone Number</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> 48494949</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Home Telephone Number</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> 4548489484848</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Email Address</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"></p>

        <tr style="height: 46.05pt;">
            <td width="102" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 76.3pt; height: 46.05pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Address</p>
            <td width="483" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 301.95pt; height: 46.05pt; background-color: transparent; " colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0 0;" class="personalblurcontent">fgvbhjn</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Post Code</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> 6464541</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" >Date of Birth</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> 02 Feb 1990</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" >National Insurance Number</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> QQ123456C</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">TRN Registration Number</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Are you a newly qualified teacher (NQT)</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> No</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Do you hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> No</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Date it was awarded</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Certificate Number</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Route by which you obtained it</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Have you completed a period of induction where this was required by DfE</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Date of Completion</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Do you hold Qualified Teacher Status Learning and skills (QTLS)?</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> No</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Date it was awarded</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Certificate Number</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Route by which you obtained it</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Have you completed a period of induction where this was required by DfE</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Date of Completion</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Do you currently have the right to work in the UK?</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> Yes</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If yes, and you have a work permit, please give the date that it expires</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> 02 Feb 2026</p>
            <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1.5pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt; height:50pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If no, please specify your circumstances below</p>
            <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent; height:50pt;" colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="personalblurcontent"> </p>
<!-- Applicant Details -->
<p style="margin: 0 0 0;"></p>
<div style="page-break-before: always"></div>
<!-- Present or most recent employment -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
           <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
               <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Present or Most Recent Employment</b></p>
	   <tr><td width='712' valign='top' style='background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; ' colspan='14'><p style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align:center;'><b>Employment Details_1</b></p></td></tr>

Job Title


Start Date

02 Feb 2014

Contract Type




Responsibilities and Achievements


Name of Employer




Type of Company


Salary Details


Hourly Wage


Salary Benefits


Salary Scale

Salary Point


Reason For Leaving


<!-- /Present or most recent employment -->
<!-- Previous employment -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Previous Employment</b></p>
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Please give details of all previous employment you have held, starting with the most recent. Please note that there are sections below for details of employment undertaken outside of teaching and any other gaps in employment. If a teaching/lecturing role, please include subject taught and age range.</p>
           <tr><td width='712' valign='top' style='background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; ' colspan='14'><p style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align:center;'><b>Employment Details</b></p></td></tr>

Job Title

Start Date

End Date

Contract Type


Responsibilities and Achievements

Name of Employer


Type of Company

Salary Details

Hourly Wage

Salary Benefits

Salary Scale

Salary Point

Reason For Leaving

<!-- /Previous employment -->
<!-- Gaps in employment -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Gaps in Employment</b></p>
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Please give details below of any voluntary work you have not detailed elsewhere in your employment history or reasons for other periods of time when you have not been employed since leaving secondary education.</p>
        <tr style="height: 20.65pt;">
            <td width="130" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 97.55pt; height: 20.65pt;">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">Date From</p>
            <td width="132" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 99.25pt; height: 20.65pt;">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">Date To</p>
            <td width="450" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1.5pt 1.5pt 1pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 337.35pt; height: 20.65pt;">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">Reason</p>
      <tr style='height: 20.65pt;'><td width='130' valign='top' style=' border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1.5pt 1.5pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 97.55pt; height: 20.65pt;'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;' class='educationemployment'></p></td><td width='132' valign='top' style=' border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1.5pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 99.25pt; height: 20.65pt;'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;' class='educationemployment'></p></td><td width='450' valign='top' style=' border-width: 1.5pt 1.5pt 1.5pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 337.35pt; height: 20.65pt;'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;' class='educationemployment'></p></td></tr>

<!-- /Gaps in employment -->
<!-- Education and qualification -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Education and Qualifications</b></p>
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Please also include any relevant professional qualifications.</p>
        <tr style="height: 20.65pt;">
            <td width="195" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 146.45pt; height: 20.65pt; " rowspan="2">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Name of Institution / Training Provider</p>
            <td width="160" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 120.35pt; height: 20.65pt; " colspan="2">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Dates Attended</p>
            <td width="356" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 267.35pt; height: 20.65pt; " colspan="4">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Courses/Subjects Taken and Examinations Results or Award and Date</p>
        <tr style="height: 20.6pt;">
            <td width="85" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 63.7pt; height: 20.6pt; ">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">From</p>
            <td width="76" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 56.65pt; height: 20.6pt; ">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">To</p>
            <td width="96" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 72.2pt; height: 20.6pt;">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Qualification</p>
            <td width="113" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 84.75pt; height: 20.6pt;">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Date</p>
            <td width="66" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 49.55pt; height: 20.6pt;">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Subject</p>
            <td width="81" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 60.85pt; height: 20.6pt;">
                <p align="center" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Grade</p>
      <tr style='height: 20.65pt;'><td width='195' valign='top' style=' border-width: 0 1pt 1.5pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 146.45pt; height: 20.65pt;'><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment' >fghb</p></td><td width='85' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 63.7pt; height: 20.6pt; '><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment'>05 May 2014</p></td><td width='76' valign='top' style=' border-width: 0 1pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 56.65pt; height: 20.6pt; '><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment'>05 May 2016</p></td><td width='85' valign='top' style=' border-width: 0 1pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 63.7pt; height: 20.6pt; '><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment'>cvbnm</p></td><td width='76' valign='top' style=' border-width: 0 1pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 56.65pt; height: 20.6pt; '><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment'>02 Jun 2018</p></td><td width='96' valign='top' style=' border-width: 0 1pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 72.2pt; height: 20.6pt;'><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment'>gh</p></td><td width='113' valign='top' style=' border-width: 0 1.5pt 1.5pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 84.75pt; height: 20.6pt;'><p align='center' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;' class='educationemployment'>gh</p></td></tr>

<!-- /Education and qualification -->
<!-- Professional Developement -->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Professional Development</b></p>
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Please give details of any courses undertaken which you have not already detailed and which you consider to be relevant to this application.</p>
        <tr style="height: 29.3pt;">
            <td valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 160pt; height: 29.3pt;" rowspan="2">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">Name of Professional Body </p>
            <td valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 140pt; height: 29.3pt;" rowspan="2">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">Membership Status</p>
            <td valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1.5pt 1.5pt 1pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 80pt; height: 29.3pt;" colspan="2">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: center;">Dates Attended</p>
        <tr style="height: 29.8pt;">
            <td valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1pt 1pt 1.5pt 1pt ; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 40pt; height: 29.8pt;">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">From</p>
            <td valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 1pt 1.5pt 1.5pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 40pt; height: 29.8pt;">
                <p align="left" style="margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;">To</p>
     <tr style='height: 29.3pt;'><td valign='top' style=' border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 80pt; height: 29.3pt;' rowspan='2'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;'></p></td><td valign='top' style=' border-width: 1.5pt 1pt 1pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 50pt; height: 29.3pt;' rowspan='2'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;'></p></td><td valign='top' style=' border-width: 1pt 1pt 1pt 1pt ; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 40pt; height: 29.8pt;'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;'></p></td><td valign='top' style=' border-width: 1pt 1.5pt 1pt 1pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 40pt; height: 29.8pt;'><p align='left' style='margin: 6pt 0; text-align: left;'></p></td></tr>

        <tr style="height: 0.1pt;">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="border: 1.5pt solid #000; border-width: 0 1.5pt  1.3pt 1.5pt; width: 534.15pt;" colspan="14"></td>
<!-- /Professional Developement -->
<!--Supporting Statement-->
<table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Supporting Statement</b></p>
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">You are invited to provide further information in support of your application. You may also attach a CV as part of your supporting statement. Please refer to the job specification for the post and also include:</p>
                    <li>The reasons why you are applying for this post</li>
                    <li>Key responsibilities and achievements in your present or most recent job which are relevant to this application</li>
                    <li>Career aims and aspirations and</li>
                    <li>The personal qualities and experience that you feel are relevant to your suitability for the post</li>
        <tr style="height: 46.05pt;">
            <td width="102" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 76.3pt; height: 46.05pt;" colspan="3">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Supporting Statement / Cover Letter</p>
            <td width="483" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 301.95pt; height: 46.05pt; background-color: transparent; " colspan="11">
                <p style="margin: 6pt 0 0;"><ul class="i8Z77e">
  • A colon ( : ) is the most common way to introduce a bulleted listExamples: ...
  • In informal writing, an introductory sentence can end with a period or question mark if it is a complete sentence. Examples: ...
  • Do not introduce a bulleted list with a semicolon or comma. Incorrect:
  •             </td>
            <tr style="height: 46.05pt;">
                <td width="102" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 76.3pt; height: 46.05pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Interests and Activities</p>
                <td width="483" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 301.95pt; height: 46.05pt; background-color: transparent; " colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0 0;"><ul class="i8Z77e">
  • A colon ( : ) is the most common way to introduce a bulleted listExamples: ...
  • In informal writing, an introductory sentence can end with a period or question mark if it is a complete sentence. Examples: ...
  • Do not introduce a bulleted list with a semicolon or comma. Incorrect:
  •             </td>
    <!--/Supporting Statement-->
    <!-- Refrees -->
    <table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: 20px;" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Referees</b></p>
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">One of these should be your present or most recent employer. These referees should not be a friend or relative. Personal referees should be given only when there is no previous employer or educational referee to which a reference can be made. Referees will be approached once an offer of employment has been made.</p>
           <tr><td width='234' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss etc)</p></td><td width='478' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;' class='backgroundchecks'>Mrs</p></td></tr><tr><td width='234' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Full Name</p></td><td width='478' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;' class='backgroundchecks'>cfbfn</p></td></tr><tr><td width='234' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Occupation</p></td><td width='478' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;' class='backgroundchecks'>gv</p></td></tr><tr><td width='234' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Employer Name</p></td><td width='478' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;' class='backgroundchecks'>bn</p></td></tr><tr style='height: 46.05pt;'><td width='102' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 76.3pt; height: 46.05pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Address</p></td><td width='483' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 301.95pt; height: 46.05pt; background-color: transparent; ' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0 0;' class='backgroundchecks'>bnm</p></td></tr><tr><td width='234' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Contact Number</p></td><td width='478' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;' class='backgroundchecks'></p></td></tr><tr><td width='234' valign='top' style='background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;' colspan='3'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;'>Email</p></td><td width='478' valign='top' style='border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;' colspan='11'><p style='margin: 6pt 0;' class='backgroundchecks'>fghj</p></td></tr><tr>
    <!-- /Refrees-->
    <!--Background checks statement-->
    <table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Background Checks</b></p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">At Namita1 we are committed to providing a safe environment. To help us achieve this it is important to disclose any unspent Criminal Convictions (Declaration subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974). All successful applicants will be required to undergo checks prior to appointment.</p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="criminalchecks"> No</p>
            <tr style="height: 46.05pt;">
                <td width="102" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 76.3pt; height: 46.05pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If Yes, please give details of the conviction(s) below </p>
                <td width="483" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 301.95pt; height: 46.05pt; background-color: transparent; " colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0 0;" class="criminalchecks"></p>
    <!--/Background checks statement-->
    <!--Fair Processing Notice & Declaration-->
    <table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Fair Processing Notice & Declaration</b></p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 1.5pt 1.5pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">Namita1 will process the information you provide on the application form under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. I hereby give consent to Namita1  collecting, holding and otherwise processing personal data (including sensitive personal data) relating to me for the purposes necessary within the employment process including the use of the DBS update service. If I am appointed, information from the form will be used as a part of my personal record.</p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">I declare that the information given in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not omitted any material facts. I understand that the provision of false or misleading information would be grounds for dismissal, or would preclude me from being offered work with Namita1. I understand that I must notify Namita1 of any changes to the information provided on the form.</p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">I agree to the above declaration.</p>
    <!--/Fair Processing Notice & Declaration-->
    <!--Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form (Optional)-->
    <table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); padding: 0 5.4pt; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;"><b>Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form (Optional)</b></p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 1.5pt 1.5pt 1pt 1.5pt; border-style: solid solid solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">Namita1 is committed to equality of opportunity for all job applicants and employees and ensures that no individual receives less favourable treatment on any of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.</p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">As part of this commitment, we collect monitoring data on all applicants for our roles. This monitoring form is voluntary, but the information we collect is very useful in helping us to ensure we are inclusive in our advertising and recruitment.</p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">This information will be hidden from the application you have just submitted via our system Education Recruiter. </p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">The information you provide on this form will only be used for statistical monitoring except in the case of disability where it may be used to identify reasonable steps we can take to assist you through the selection process, if applicable. Recording of data will be anonymous and this form will be destroyed no later than [DataProcessingTimeLimit] after the role closes.</p>
                    <p style="margin:6pt 0;">If you are successfully appointed to the post for which you are applying, your data will be provided to the employer to be kept on your employment profile and only be accessible by yourself and relevant members of the HR team.</p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Age Range</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"> </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Ethnicity</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity">  </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If you have selected �Other� or you prefer to use your own term, please state below</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity">  </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Gender</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity">  </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Preferred gender pronoun</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"></p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If you have selected �Other�, please state below</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"> </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Do you identify as trans?</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"> </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If you have selected 'I prefer my own term', please state below</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"> </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Do you consider yourself to have a disability or health condition?</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"> </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If you have answered 'Yes' above, please give an outline of the nature of the disability or health condition.</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"> </p>
                <td width="234" valign="top" style="background: #d9d9d9; border-width: 0 1pt  1pt 1.5pt; border-style: none solid solid; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 175.5pt;" colspan="3">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">If you have answered 'Yes' above, what considerations can we make to ensure you can attend and take part in the selection process, if shortlisted?</p>
                <td width="478" valign="top" style="border-width: 0 1.5pt 1pt 0; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: #000; padding: 0 5.4pt; width: 358.65pt; background-color: transparent;" colspan="11">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;" class="equalityopprtunity"></p>
    <!--/Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form (Optional)-->
        <table style="border: currentColor; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom:10px; width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; " border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="712" valign="top" style="background: rgb(229, 229, 229); text-align:center; padding: 10px 5px; border: 1.5pt solid #000; width: 534.15pt; " colspan="14">
                    <p style="margin: 6pt 0;">Powered by : <b>Education Recruiter</b></p>
    Image for PDF.png (38.1 KB)

    Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario with your shared HTML and unable to notice the reported issue. The image/logo from HTML is rendering as expected. We will appreciate it if you please share some more details of the issue along with a console application to replicate the issue at our end.

    If we open html file and it is displaying correctly. But when we load html in the inline viewer , the image is not loading. when we inspect in to browser and we can see the below html code

    src=";relativeToOriginal=True&amp;resourcePath=" alt=“West Surrey College” cl-ass=“logo” style=“margin-top:10px !important;” width=“120” height=“70”

    <%= Viewer.ClientCode()
    Could you investigate and provide solutions to resolve.


    We tried to render the the provided HTML content to PDF and Images and this is the (254.0 KB) we got. Please share following details and we’ll investigate your issue:

    • API variant (.NET or Java) and version (e.g. 19.10, 20.1)
    • Sample code or application to reproduce the issue
    • HTML source file that you are trying to render (we put together the HTML content you shared above and then created a single HTML file and investigated that)