PDF Document Watermarking is not working

Please see attached screencast for your reference: 28.05.2024_05.29.11_REC
GroupDocs.Watermark for .Net

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Thanks for the details. We’ll continue the investigation.


The screencast shows that after applying changes we suggested, the picture with the watermark is present in the Google Docs document, but as you noticed, the position of the picture and the general format of the document’s contents are no longer the same as they were in the original PDF document. But we can’t influence this, because that’s how the Google Docx converter works.
If we use third-party converters (for example GroupDocs PDF To DOCX converter), then the conversion of PDF to Dox occurs more correctly, and if you open the resulting document in Google Docs, then all the watermarks are in place.
Therefore, we recommend you for a separate PDF to DOX converter. As example we converted original “docx 2.pdf” into docx file using GroupDocs.Conversion online app, and it looks good in the google docs -
docx 2.zip (133.5 KB).

Good day. We’ve check the file you’ve attached. Can you please also provide us a screencast on how you do a test on this? Just making sure we’re on the same page when doing testing on this issue.


Let us share steps we followed:

  • We converted the actual PDF that you shared with us to DOCX using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET
  • Then tried to view it using Google Docs and watermarks were preserved

Below is the conversion code:

// Assign the file path of the source document to the 'source' variable
const string source = @"D:\docx 2.pdf"; 

// Create a new instance of the Converter class, passing the source file path as an argument
using (var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(source))
    // Convert the source document to a Word document and save it to the specified output file path
    converter.Convert(@"D:/converted.docx", new WordProcessingConvertOptions());

We already shared the converted/resultant file with you (PDF to DOCX conversion as a result of the above code).

So, the point is, you are converting the PDF to Word using Google Docs (when you try to view the PDF using Google Docs, there is a document conversion behind the scene). This is how Google Docs is doing the conversion.
We are providing you an alternative solution for such a conversion using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET API.
As long as Google Docs conversion is concerned, yes, it is manipulating the results and this has nothing to do with our (GroupDocs) Watermark API.

Adding in my technical team. // em.dc

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