I’m sorry for the delayed response. We’ll take a look and update you.
Unfortunately, I did not got a chance to take a look at the issue. I have planned it for investigation for the next week. As soon as I have any updates I’ll let you know.
Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to take a look at this issue. We’ll update you when we have any new information.
Thank you @vladimir.litvinchik . Can you please tell by when I can expect the confirmation on this issue whether this is valid or not? Also Can you please provide update on “normal content identified as heading.” issue?
Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to take a look at the issue last week, so it was moved to this one. I’ll keep you updated.
hi @vladimir.litvinchik Can you please confirm on issue
“Reading order of each tabular section is not correct and reading the entire row section at once as the entire row is identified as one single element. The table is not identified as table / cells are not associated with the table header cells”
This is browser related issue?
We are facing “Link doesn’t have valid content.” If we are trying add any link in document. This will also be browser related?
I requested around a month back. Also can you please share updates on header footer reading order issue?
Can you also share the issue Id for reading issue as confirmed above?
hi Vladimir,
This is an urgent issue for us, as the scenario is working for many existing customers. May you please take it up on a high priority and try to resolve it faster
We’ll continue investigation of this issue on this week.
I’m sorry, but I can’t set the higher priority for this issue as it is against our policy. See Free Support Policies.
To set higher priority for this issue you can post your question at the Paid Support Helpdesk.
Hi @vladimir.litvinchik As mentioned did you get chance to take a look in the above issue last week?
Since document structure and tags that are set in PDF document seems to be correct we would need a sample file that is handled well by screen reader and has all of the blocks including headings, text, table, header, footer. Can you please attach sample file that we can use to compare our output with it?
header footer test.docx (21.5 KB)
can you take a look at this word file. After converting to pdf we are facing these issues
Kindly please check my response here: Reading order is not correct for header footer - #13 by vladimir.litvinchik