We are trying to integrate Viewer product into our web application which has been developed in Java+Spring technologies. I am able to execute your Viewer product using STS IDE but I am unable to integrate in our web page which is in .jsp file format and customize the look & feel according to our application.
Can you share integration & customization document / developer guide which help me out during the integration proceaa as we have urgent poc which has been scheduled in next week?
Please help me into integration process on urgent basis.
GroupDocs.Viewer itself does not have any UI or look & feel. It genrates a part of html page with content of the source document. The html has css styles that you can change any way before integrating the html into your applications page.
Or you need an example of creating Viewer Java objects using JSP tags?
Actually I just want to integrate Viewer and Annotaion into our Web application which has been developed in Java + Spring MVC. I am using latest version of Angular i.e Angular 14.
I am unable to execue the sample source code. Can you share latest UI/UX source code for Viewer and Annotation where everything will be customizable according to our besiness requirement and Integration steps?
I am struggling from last more than 2 months but can’t found solution.
Please check this minimal-viewer-app.zip (198.1 KB)
that has been built using the latest version of Angular CLI to create a minimal application by executing ng new --minimal.
I installed viewer with npm install "@groupdocs.examples.angular/viewer" --legacy-peer-deps. I had to use --legacy-peer-deps to install the viewer package. Learn more about --legacy-peer-deps from this SO question.
Another option would be installing Node v14.* instead of the version you have. The app you’ve shared would work well with it and would not fail during the build.
We’re planning to update the viewer package to work well with the latest versions of Node and Angular in the near future.
Thank you for sharing the screenshots, it looks like the application was built successfully but it does require a service to be running at the backend that will process the files and return the rendering results back (HTML or PNG).
Above demo application is working fine and below is the screenshot for the same: image.png (56.5 KB)
Then I have replaced existing client folder with our latest source code then I am getting Annotation UI but I should get Viewer UI. image.png (54.3 KB)
How will I get Viewer UI?
Please help me to resolve this issue on urgent basis.
As I can see from the screenshot you’re opening /annotation instead of /viewer. Also, please make sure that you’re running the app that contains Viewer app sources.
Yeah, I am trying with Viewer Java Source code to Integrate. Meanwhile can you help me to understand what about below project directory structure which contains .html and .js files as per below screenshot: image.png (16.4 KB)
This html and js files are created during build of the Angular application. You can also see js.map files that are used to debug app in production. This files are refernced in the index.html file and you still need them in case you’re planning to run Annotation Spring Demo which serves both client side app and backend API.
I Integrated Viewer UI source code with Java Backend code but still blank screen is coming. Please share sample Angular UI Sorce code with backend java code.
We don’t have that much of time time to experiment.