Remove author and personal information, converting DOCX to PDF in .NET


I was wondering if it’s possible, to remove personal information, like the author, when converting Office files (Word, Excel) into PDF format.
In some cases it’s definitely appreciated to see the author also on the PDF, but we’d like to control this.

I’ve seen, that GroupDocs.Metadata is capable of removing personal information, but unfortunately we’re still stuck with .NET Framework, which does not support .NET Standard 2.1, required for GroupDocs.Metadata.

So, is there maybe some option that I’ve overlooked so far?

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In GroupDocs.Conversion, there is no built-in feature to remove metadata from documents. However, you can use the GroupDocs.Metadata API to access and manipulate the metadata of documents. The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports a wide range of .NET frameworks.

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A post was split to a new topic: .NET Framework Limitations in Metadata Removal API Usage


We are already investigating the Merger API issue. However, we have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system (to see if such a feature could be added in Conversion API) and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


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