2.14.0 document rendered but ocurred encode issue

Hi ,

Document rendered but encode issue seen,

attached documents and screenshot

encoding parameter of application.properties

#Default charset is UTF-8
#Set parameter as null for default charset

Thank you for your request.

We have checked all your files and can't reproduce the encode issue. Could you please remove the files cache and recheck your browser setiings with encoding. As you can see on these screenshots (http://prntscr.com/9qff8n http://prntscr.com/9qfff9 ) that .doc files is rendered well. But with .xlsx file, we have reproduced some incorrect rendering issue with the rows (http://prntscr.com/9qfj4p).

We have logged the issue in our issue tracking system and will notify you when it will be resolved.

Note: the rendering of 5M.docx and Xlsx_TEST.xlsx files took longer time than 1M.doc


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov

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