After removing ‘text underline’ and saving the document, the text color doesn’t change and the downloaded document is broken. The same happens to polyline, arrow, area, text, watermark, and point annotation, after removing these annotations the file gets corrupted.
Screenshots: underline-annotation-before.png (260.5 KB)
underline-annotation-after.jpg (219.2 KB)
Git project: GitHub - groupdocs-annotation/GroupDocs.Annotation-for-Java: GroupDocs.Annotation for Java examples, plugins, and showcase
Git branch: master
Git revision: aeb3d5d9
Browser: Chrome Version 92.0.4515.159 (Official Build) (64-bit)
SO: Windows 10
This issue is logged on GitHub. Please keep track of this link.
@john.mcqueide, we could not reproduce the error, could you please give more details about how did you get such error?
@vitaliy.rezchikov sorry for taking so long to answer. It is not happening anymore, I don’t remember now but I think that was happening because the size of the annotation limitation square wasn’t correct in the viewer, so I think after I fixed that the issue was resolved.
@john.mcqueide Great, thanks for the notification.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as ANNOTATIONJAVA-1331) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by vitaliy.rezchikov