An error will be reported when the Excel file generated after the POI is upgraded to 5.2.2 and converted through GroupDocsd20f365d9564e3ef4ee18df4182fe31.png (78.2 KB)
资格审查表-本地资格性审查测试 (4.0 KB)
An error will be reported when the Excel file generated after the POI is upgraded to 5.2.2 and converted through GroupDocsd20f365d9564e3ef4ee18df4182fe31.png (78.2 KB)
资格审查表-本地资格性审查测试 (4.0 KB)
I have moved this topic into GroupDocs.Conversion Product Family
category. Can you please share the code snippet to reproduce this issue?
SaveOptions saveOptions = getSaveOptions(conversionType, options.getWatermark());
convertedDocument = getConversionHandler().convert(stream, options.getFileName(), saveOptions);
private ConversionHandler getConversionHandler() {
if (this.conversionConfig == null)
this.conversionConfig = ConvertUtil.getConvertConfiguration();
if (this.conversionHandler == null)
this.conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(this.conversionConfig);
return this.conversionHandler;
Pls what is the test result?
Unfortunately, I’m unable to reproduce this issue on my end. To assist you further, could you please provide the following details for investigation?