An error will be reported when the Excel file generated after the POI is upgraded to 5.2.2 and converted through GroupDocs

An error will be reported when the Excel file generated after the POI is upgraded to 5.2.2 and converted through GroupDocsd20f365d9564e3ef4ee18df4182fe31.png (78.2 KB)

资格审查表-本地资格性审查测试 (4.0 KB)


I have moved this topic into GroupDocs.Conversion Product Family category. Can you please share the code snippet to reproduce this issue?

SaveOptions saveOptions = getSaveOptions(conversionType, options.getWatermark());
convertedDocument = getConversionHandler().convert(stream, options.getFileName(), saveOptions);

private ConversionHandler getConversionHandler() {
if (this.conversionConfig == null)
this.conversionConfig = ConvertUtil.getConvertConfiguration();
if (this.conversionHandler == null)
this.conversionHandler = new ConversionHandler(this.conversionConfig);
return this.conversionHandler;

Pls what is the test result?


Unfortunately, I’m unable to reproduce this issue on my end. To assist you further, could you please provide the following details for investigation?

  • Your operating system and its version.
  • The version of GroupDocs.Conversion for Java you are using.
  • A sample application that can reproduce the issue.