Annotation API demo in C#

When i run the Application

the code is showing error at the App_Data in the Global.Asax File.

The error is: Code Breaking
with An exception of type 'System.MissingMethodException' occurred in Groupdocs.Web.Annotation.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.ConnectionConfiguration.set_EnableCrossDomain(Boolean)'.


I have utilize this link for support For MVC
i have attaching the rpoject please take a look at this and

please give me reply as soon as possible

or please provide me a demo in running condition

From - Gaurav

Hello Gaurav,

We are sorry to hear that you have this issue.

The article “How to use GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET in an ASP.NET MVC 5 Project” is slightly obsolete and tells how to use some older version of GroupDocs.Annotation. As we understand, you want to create a test application and see, how it is working. So in order to do this and to eliminate such possible issues with old versions, we suggest you to download the latest package “GroupDocs.Annotation C# Demos”. It contains several projects, including “Groupdocs.Demo.Annotation.Mvc”, which contains all you need. After installing this package you will obtain a ready-to-use project, which uses the latest version of GroupDocs.Annotation.

If this exception still be present while using “Groupdocs.Demo.Annotation.Mvc” project, please give us more details about it, including stack trace and a line of code, where it occurs.
