Annotation API integration in ASP.NET MVC application

Hi All,

I am tring to integrate Groupdocs Annotation in my MVC application and following some code examples but these are not working in my code.

I am following the below example as I have the same scenario in my application to view/annotate document using document editor.

It is showing me error for dll reference as below:

It is showing Groupdocs.Web does not exist in namespace “Groupdocs”. Can you please send me correct link for implementation with same scenario.

Also, I tried this example but I did not understand how to show viewer in MVC razor view:


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This code is obsoleted. Please download or clone our most updated open-source GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET MVC sample application here. Furthermore, have a look at this demo video. Steps to run this application are easy and clearly mentioned in GitHub repository readme file.

Hi @atirtahir3

Thanks for your reply. I tried to run new code example but it is showing me an error as in screenshot.

image.png (69.2 KB)

So to resolve this error, I followed one link but it did not worked.

Also I did not understand how to implement this code in MVC application. I have to show viewer/annotation in my MVC page but I did not understand how to implement this.


Please have a look at this related GitHub issue. Following steps must fix your issue:

  1. Reinstall Node
  2. Delete node_modules folder
  3. Run npm cache clean --force
  4. Remove npm and npm-cache folders from C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming
  5. Run npm install -g @angular/cli@latest and npm i
  6. Build the solution in Visual Studio

Please note that GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET is a UI independent API that could be integrated in any .NET application without any third party tool or software dependency.
The demo project we shared with you is just a demonstration of some of the API features. Please go through this developer guide and this open-source console example project to get an idea about the API features. Later, you can implement those features in your MVC application.

Hi @atirtahir3

Can you please provide me any code that has integration with MVC UI. I tried this a lot but not sure how to integrate with MVC UI. I have to edit my document and save it in local disk.

I have just requirement of adding annotate/viewer in UI and edit documents and save again on the same document location.

Do I need to make custom viewer or it will automatically render viewer in UI?


You have to make a custom viewer. Like we elaborated earlier that API is UI-Independent. You can implement it in any of your web/Windows form or console applications.