Annotation issue - The web application gets slow after some annotation

The web application gets slow after some annotation, to reproduce the error is necessary to draw the annotation and save it before drawing another one. After repeating that process sometimes, we see that the application gets very slow, and depending on the amount of annotation we cannot use the application.



Browser: Version 94.0.4606.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)
SO: Windows 10
Java version: 1.8.0_281


Please use our updated application and let us know if issue persists.

Yes, @Atir_Tahir. It is happening in this application. And just to complete the issue, if you refresh the page it comes back to normal performance, but if we start to draw and save new annotation without refresh the page (F5), the application gets slow again.

Another thing is, you said to use this application, but I don’t have access to the frontend source code on it. I thought the updated frontend source code was available in this repository, is it available in another place?


We’re investigating this issue. You’ll be notified about the outcomes.

Yes, source code is available here.