Thanks for the update.
Yes, you can test it with GroupDocs.Total license. Also, you can render a document in chunks by setting PreloadPageCount to some value rather than zero.
Thanks for the update.
Yes, you can test it with GroupDocs.Total license. Also, you can render a document in chunks by setting PreloadPageCount to some value rather than zero.
The latest source was applied, but the conversion speed was not improved.
The latest source seems to have improved the viewer’s caching processing speed.
Before converting, we want to pre-process caching in an asynchronous way. If you have any related samples, please forward them.
The licensed version I purchased is GroupDocs.Total for .Net Professional 3.0.
Please ask for a sample for the purchased product.
To pre-process files you have to call two methods
You can use any GroupDocs product with GroupDocs.Total license.
Thanks for your help.
And, the latest source delivered does not implement the WaterMark part. It is not used for reading, but must be used after setting the WaterMark only when printing. Please guide me on how to set WaterMark.
In case you want watermark when printing you can extend GetPdfAsync method with one more parameter
var watermark = new Watermark("MY COMPANY NAME");
var pdfFileBytes = await _viewer.GetPdfAsync(fileCredentials, watermark);
Update implementation in BaseViewer.cs and related interface
public async Task<byte[]> GetPdfAsync(FileCredentials fileCredentials, Watermark watermark)
var pdfStream = new MemoryStream();
var viewOptions = CreatePdfViewOptions(pdfStream);
viewOptions.Watermark = watermark;
var viewer = await InitViewerAsync(fileCredentials);
return pdfStream.ToArray();
Watermark has been fixed.
Please guide me how to set htmlmode to false. I changed htmlmode to false in UIConfig.cs and ViewerApiController.cs, but html files are still created.
And customers continue to complain about speed issues. It takes 50 seconds to view a 66-page PPT file.
Loading the prereloadpage as a full page is fast.
And For documents over 50 pages, search terms cannot be entered directly. Can query processing be handled asynchronously?
Thank you for the feedback!
Can you please attach a sample file that we can use to reproduce the issue?
Query processing is handled on the client-side. Can you please clarify what issue you’re experiencing?
The problem is, the sample data cannot be delivered. We will send you another sample. The conversion speed is about 50 seconds.
Please check the sample data and delete it.
By setting PreloadPageCount to 0, the entire page was loaded.
There was a lot of speed improvement when the cache data was created in advance.
However, if you enter a search term key while the page is all open, it stops without being entered.
After about 15 seconds, the search term you entered appears.
Even when clicking Thumbnails, the browser becomes unresponsive, and Thumbnails are displayed after about 25 seconds.
The source used the latest source provided, and as a result of checking with Fiddler, it did not work on the server side.
The client script seems to be working, but the JS files in the source are all Release versions, so debugging is impossible.
(Attachment 전자결재_개발교육자료_v2.0.ppt is missing)
The ppt file is converted to a pdf file for search. Pass back the final original source file.
image001.jpg (79.7 KB)
image002.jpg (76 KB)
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): VIEWERNET-4242
You can obtain Paid Support services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
Please share the progress of the opened disability inquiry Case VIEWERNET-4242.
And, any further inquiries.
The initial screen for each file extension is either one page or two pages. We are asking how the page on the initial screen is displayed.
The issue VIEWERNET-4242 is in progress now. We’re looking for possible solutions to make UI responsible while a user typing text in the search input.
A number of pages you can see on the initial screen depends on page size and if two pages fit it will be two pages.
The failure phenomenon is a script failure, which causes the browser to stop working and stop.
Error script.jpg : Script error log.
Edge network*.jpg : The http communication that occurs during printing is sequentially screen-captured.
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edge network3.jpg (122 KB)
error script.jpg (153 KB)
edge network1.jpg (225 KB)
edge network2.jpg (468 KB)