Authentication error while converting


We are unable to convert files with the conversion API. We receive the following error:

We started with a free plan. When everything worked like we wanted, we updated our plan and since then the error appears.

The files are uploaded to the our storage but the script ends when we want to convert the file. If we try to convert the file in our dashboard we receive the following error:

“Access is denied”

Some info:
Platform: PHP
Errors appear with .doc and .rtf files. We didn’t test any other file types.

I hope you can help us.


Hello Tim,

We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. We have checked your GroupDocs account and fixed the issue, now all should work fine.

Please try again and notify us if you will have any issue.

After some tests, both converting from the API and converting in our dashboard seem to work again.

Thank you for your time.
