Authentication Steps

How do you authenticate without using a sdk? It looks like you get a signature token after an authentication request, but I don’t see any docs on the authentication process. Am I missing it in the docs? I want to consume the rest api using golang.


Thank you for the request. Unfortunately with out SDK you can’t authenticate with our API. In the SDK we have special method which sign URL with authentication data. Please find more info here.

Best regards.

Thank you for the prompt response! However, this doesn’t make sense to me. Looking at the GroupDocsRequestSigner class in github groupdocs-php, it doesn’t look like there is any magic there. It would be awesome if ya’ll would just post the parameters for the authorization signature that needs to be appended to the url string.


Thank you for coming back. The SignUrl method requires the private key (which you can find in your GroupDocs account settings)and the request URL.

Best regards.