Our company is evaluating GroupDocs for our flagship web-based ERP system. The only thing holding us back right now is to poor documentation and support for the demo code. To be blunt, it's a pain in the ass to make it work under ASP.Net MVC 5 / Web Api and the new Identity authentication system. I've spent literally days (almost a week) on this one error message. I would be more than happy to hand over the current code and configuration for this project to a support specialist to verify whether this really is a bug or not. I need this solved and I'm running out of ideas.
Below is the log output of my site. I've also attached screenshots of the SQL Server Database after the site loads. I'm pointing 'SaasposeDb' database connection to "metadata=res://*/GroupdocsSqlSrv.csdl|res://*/GroupdocsSqlSrv.ssdl|res://*/GroupdocsSqlSrv.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=localhost\SqlExpress;Initial Catalog=JEProofingAnnotations;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx"" so it should be all set to use the external DB.
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Registering web api
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Registering filters
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Registering routes
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Registering bundles
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: Annotator
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotatorAdapter
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: Result
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: CssParser
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: SvgParser
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AccountService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationCollaboratorService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationCollaboratorServiceAdapter
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationLayerService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationReplyService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationSessionService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationSessionServiceAdapter
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: UserService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: UserServiceAdapter
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: RepositoryPathFinder
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AccountRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: UserRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationCollaboratorRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationLayerRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationReplyRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationSessionRepository
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: PdfPageReorderer
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AuthenticationService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: CustomAuthenticationService
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationBroadcaster
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: AnnotationHub
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: ApplicationPathFinder
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: EmbeddedResourceManager
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: Helper
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: LocalizationManager
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: RootPathFinder
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: UrlsCreator
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: ViewingServiceCreator
3/9/2015 7:19:25 PM Type injected: Container
3/9/2015 7:19:27 PM Entered Owin Startup
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Entered Group Docs Annotator controller
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Adding annotation Session [#0 User # Document # 0 Collaborators]
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Creating annotation session id #1 for user #? and document
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Found annotation Session [#1 User # Document # 0 Collaborators] for session id #1
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Found 0 collaborators for session #1
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Got User [NULL] from username 'stuart.zahn@gmail.com'
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Added User ['stuart.zahn@gmail.com' #1]
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Adding annotation collaborator #1 to session #1 with rights All
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Found 1 collaborators for session #1
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Got User ['stuart.zahn@gmail.com' #1] from id #1
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM Added Reviewer [# guid email stuart.zahn@gmail.com rights All] as Collaborators Set Result [Session 160ed9acb6aad937 Document 1 Collaborators] to session #1
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM AuthenticationService: UserName is stuart.zahn@gmail.com
3/9/2015 7:19:32 PM AuthenticationService: UserKey is stuart.zahn@gmail.com
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM User stuart.zahn@gmail.com opened document RM1103.pdf.
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Found annotation Session [#1 User # Document # 0 Collaborators] for session id #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Found 1 collaborators for session #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Got User ['stuart.zahn@gmail.com' #1] from id #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Got Collaborators Get Result [Session 160ed9acb6aad937 Document 1 Collaborators] for session #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Found annotation Session [#1 User # Document # 0 Collaborators] for session id #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Found 1 collaborators for session #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Got User ['stuart.zahn@gmail.com' #1] from id #1
3/9/2015 7:19:33 PM Got Collaborators Get Result [Session 160ed9acb6aad937 Document 1 Collaborators] for session #1