Can we split excel file using Groupdocs.merger

We have one excel workbook with one sheet. It is of 2 GB, can we split that excel file so that number of rows are equally distributed to split sheet. Please let me know sample C# code for the same.


You can specify the number of rows a single page will include.
The code example as well as screenshot that shows how it works can be found in Split a worksheet into pages by rows topic.

Will this code not work to split CSV files into Multiple files -

// Split CSV file using GroupDocs.Merger API
string filePath = “D:/Shared Files/Input/ExcelSplit/EMEAExpenseGrouping.xlsx”;
string filePathOut = “D:/Shared Files/Input/ExcelSplit/EMEAExpenseGroupingSplit.xlsx”;

            // Initialize SplitOptions class with output files path format
            GroupDocs.Merger.Domain.Options.SplitOptions splitOptions = new GroupDocs.Merger.Domain.Options.SplitOptions(filePathOut, new int[] { 3, 6, 8 });

            // Instantiate Merger with input CSV document
            using (Merger merger = new Merger(filePath))
                // Call Split method and pass SplitOptions object to save resultant documents

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Kindly give the code from this article a try. Feel free to reach out if you encounter any challenges.

It is 2 GB CSV file, not a text file.

How to mention the path of CSV and file name in path ?


Please take a look at the following code. It clearly explains how to add CSV file.

// Specify the input file path
string filePath = @"c:\sample.csv";

// Specify the output file format and path pattern using placeholders for line number and extension
string filePathOut = @"c:\output\line_{0}.{1}";

// Define the options for splitting the text file
TextSplitOptions splitOptions = new TextSplitOptions(filePathOut, new int[] { 3, 6 });

// Create a "using" block to ensure proper disposal of resources
using (Merger merger = new Merger(filePath))
    // Split the input text file based on the provided split options