Cannot resolve namespace for AreaAnnotation

With the following using statements added to the ASP.NET project:

  • using GroupDocs.Annotation;
  • using GroupDocs.Annotation.WebForms;
  • using GroupDocs.Annotation.Models;

I still not able to resolve the AreaAnnotation class.

Here’s the sample codes from GroupDocs documentation I try to run:

using (Annotator annotator = new Annotator(“input.pdf”))
AreaAnnotation area = new AreaAnnotation
BackgroundColor = 65535,
Box = new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100),
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
Message = “This is area annotation”,
Opacity = 0.7,
PageNumber = 0,
PenColor = 65535,
PenStyle = PenStyle.Dot,
PenWidth = 3,
Replies = new List
new Reply
Comment = “First comment”,
RepliedOn = DateTime.Now
new Reply
Comment = “Second comment”,
RepliedOn = DateTime.Now


Please make sure that GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET NuGet/reference is successfully installed. Or share the application you created with us and we’ll further look into this scenario.