Change page size or line break behavior when converting EML to PDF in .NET

I was wondering if there is some way to control the line break behavior or page size when converting an EML to PDF.
In the attached EML file, the rendered table is really narrow, leading to unwanted line breaks.
(e.g.: Cancelled is split up in two lines)

If I reduce the width in Outlook or print it to a PDF printer, the line breaks are not affected. (See attachments)
line (474.6 KB)

We were using GroupDocs Conversion 20.10 without any special options.

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We are investigating this behavior with ID CONVERSIONNET-4265. You’ll be notified about the outcomes.

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This issue is fixed in API version 21.2. You can set page size and margins when converting from Email to Pdf. Options can be set as:

var options = new PdfConvertOptions{Width = 1000, Height = 800, MarginLeft = 10, MarginRight = 10, MarginBottom = 10, MarginTop = 10};

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONNET-4265) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by yevgen-nykytenko