Changing the color of polyline annotation


We have a requirement where the polyline annotations need to be red. Is there a way to change the color within the embedded viewer to use red for all annotations? Thanks,

Also, to add, this is using the Salesforce API.


Thank you for your request. Sorry but from your request is not clear for which platform you use it. Could you please share with us which platform you use?

Thank you.

Hi Pavel,

We are using the Salesforce GroupDocs API to integrate groupdocs into our Salesforce instance. PDFs are uploaded to groupdocs from Salesforce, then accessible via a URL in Salesforce which opens the document in the embedded viewer.

My question is, within the document-annotation2 embedded viewer, the users are annotating documents using the polyline tool. The tool uses purple highlighting by default. Can we change that color to red?


Thank you for your posting and using GroupDocs.

At this moment, you can change a color only for all annotations, not for specific annotation tool, also you can change this color for each collaborator of the document. To set the color for annotations to red you can use this code :

GD_GroupDocsSecurityHandler securityHandler = new GD_GroupDocsSecurityHandler('private key');
GD_ApiClient api = new GD_ApiClient(securityHandler);
GD_AntApi annotation = new GD_AntApi(api);
GD_ReviewerInfo reviewerInfo = new GD_ReviewerInfo();
reviewerInfo.primary_email ='email of collaborator';
reviewerInfo.color = 16711680;
List list = new List();
GD_SetReviewerRightsResponse response = annotation.SetReviewerRights('user id','document guid',list);

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
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