Checkbox issues

When I import a new template into assembly all the field are transparent which is ok. When I save the template all the field are given a white background, except check boxes which is not expected. I expect my field to have a transparent background until I choose a color.

The check box with a transparent background works but not quite right, see next paragraph. I can not get the check boxes with white backgrounds to work consistently.

The transparent check box show up as a black square instead of a check mark when the value is true.

I sometimes see a black check mark when the background is white but it does not work all the time. - video showing both types of check boxes

We have managed to reproduce the same issue on our side. Our Product team was notified and started to work on a fix for this issue. You will be notified , when the issue will be resolved.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
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