Compare and return the entire line that is changed using .NET

Is it possible to return entire line where a change was detected, or retrieve that line from the coordinates?

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When you compare two documents, API provides a list that contains changes or differences between those two documents. Can you please further elaborate your use-case and also specify your development environment (e.g. Java, .NET). We’ll then assist you accordingly.

Hi, i see the collection of changeInfo objects, and the text that was changed. what i need is the entire line from the file where the change occurred as i want to drop some of the changes if the lines starts with certain words. using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word compare method i can get that line from the revisons.range.sentences property. Is there any way to get that using Comparer?

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Please specify your development environment (e.g. Java, .NET). We’ll then investigate this scenario.

C# .NET environment

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We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is COMPARISONNET-2213. As there’s any further update, you’ll be notified.


We have a list of changes, and we could apply or discard from specific position of text fragment. Have a look at this screenshot.png (132.2 KB)

We could reject all changes using following code:

for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
   changes[n].ComparisonAction = ComparisonAction.Reject;

If this is not what you are looking for. Please further elaborate your requirements with the help of some use-cases or example screenshots.

the situation is i’m comparing the same rtf document that consists of tabular data from 2 time points. i need to identify changes (which i can do with Comparer no problem) but i also need the contents of the cell in the table where the change occured.

Old document = “Treatment Group A” New document = “Treatment Group B”
Comparer will give me A deletion and B insertion, but i also need to get the contents of the entire cell “Treatment Group B”

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Thanks for the clarification. We’ll now investigate this scenario.


For now API can’t return the entire line where the change occurred. However, we will try to implement this feature in any of the future releases.