Compare of Word doc doesn't identify font changes

Comparison between 2 word documents (.docx) doesn’t identify font related changes like bold or change in font size/family. It only identifies insertions/deletions and not modifications. Is there additional setting that needs to be added to identify the same?
I have checked this on groupdocs-comparison 23.3 and 17.3.2 versions.

Please advise. Thanks.

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Could you please share the source, target and the expected output Word files? We’ll then start our investigation.

@atir.tahir PFA the source, target and generated result document. As you can see in the result document, the changes in font family, font size and bold are not getting highlighted.result-HelloWorld.docx (10.9 KB)
source.docx (11.7 KB)
target.docx (12.0 KB)

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@atir.tahir Thank you for your support. As per GroupDocs documentation, modifications are also recognizable during comparison. Please confirm if this how it is supposed to be working and there is some issue with configuration at our end.

(P.S. We are using Java APIs)


We are still investigating this scenario. You’ll be notified in case of any update.