Compare two documents in ASP.NET

Integrating Comparison to ASP.NET causes a file access exception. This is typically caused when IIS is restarted but could be triggered anytime the Comparison Logger is invoked.

This is a critical issue for our application.

This is using Comparison v17.7.0

Please advice for a fix.



We are sorry to hear that you are facing such scenarios. This scenario needs to investigate on API core level, therefore i am logging this issue for product team for further investigation and solution.

Thank you for patience.

Warm Regards,


Please give a try to GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET version 20.7. You will not face such an exception. We’ve optimized document comparison process a lot.

using (Comparer comparer = new Comparer("source.docx"))
    CompareOptions compareOptions = new CompareOptions()
        DetectStyleChanges = true
	comparer.Compare("result.docx", compareOptions);

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Have a look at this video demo.