Compare two PDF files using .NET


we have just received your temporary license.
The license seems be valid.
grafik.png (5.7 KB)
Now, we try to compare two PDF files.

The variables “fileOne” and “fileTow” are paths to a PDF file.

The variable “filename” is a generated path. (the path exists, the pdf doesn’t exists.)
grafik.png (4.4 KB)
After running the above code, a PFD file is created (variable “fileName”) This file can be opened with adobe Reader, but we see a single empty page.

We have tried some different PDF files, but the result is always an empty page.
What are we doing wrong?
grafik.png (5.68 KB)
grafik.png (4.36 KB)


Can you please tell API version (e.g. 19.9, 19.10) that you are evaluating?


i use the NuGet package “v19.10.0”.

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We are not able to reproduce this issue. Please see these (248.6 KB). A proper output is generated.
However, in order to further investigate this we need a simple console based application from you using that issue could be reproduced. Please don’t attach license and DLL files in the project.


We have created a new console application for testing and now, it works.
We found that the other applications “target framework” is “.net core 3.0” - that doesn’t work.
Sorry for your trouble.

An other thing we noticed are the Settings.
There are the “old” “ComparisonSettings” with a lot of settings. The new “ComparerSettings” has only the “Logger” settings.

How can we take some settings like “GenerateSummaryPage” or " “DetailLevel” within the new “Comparer”?

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Its quite simple. Following code will help you:

CompareOptions options = new CompareOptions();
options.GenerateSummaryPage = false;
options.DetalisationLevel = DetalisationLevel.High;
using (Comparer comparer = new Comparer(@"D:\Samples\source.pdf"))

For further details, please visit documentation.

Thanks for your Help!

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You are welcome.