Compare two Word Documents and track changes in C#

Using .NET, latest version of GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer, when I use:
using (var comparer = new GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer(@“c:\test\v1.docx”))
It correctly identifies most differences. But sometimes, it does not see a removed comment. For example, I uploaded v1.docx:
and v2.docx:
and this generated the result:

Notice that in v2.docx the comment “This is a comment from user1” around the word “schizophrenia” was removed (from v1.docx). When the .Comparer was run, it did not “see” this removed comment. In most cases, the .Comparer correctly identifies removed comments, but in documents like these small samples, it seems to miss them.

Is there a setting somewhere that controls this?



We reproduced this case at our end. Hence, we’ve logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID COMPARISONNET-2419 for further investigation and resolution. You’ll be notified in case of any update.

If I upgrade to your premium support, would that prioritize looking at this issue? This is a critical issue for me.



Yes, if you avail priority/paid support. This issue will be escalated.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as COMPARISONNET-2419) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by atirtahir3