Comparing images generate output in PDF file format instead of image

Comparing images generate output in PDF file format instead of image

document1.jpg (37.0 KB)

document1.jpg (37.0 KB)

 using (Comparer comparer = new Comparer("document1.jpg"))

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That’s not an issue, this is a peculiarity of the program. The GenerateSummaryPage option is responsible for this. It is enabled by default to display the resulting page with the number of changes. If the GenerateSummaryPage option is set to false, the program will save the result as a picture.

To do this, use following code

using GroupDocs.Comparison.Options;

public static void Main(string[] args)
    // Set the GroupDocs Comparison license
    GroupDocs.Comparison.License lic = new License();
    lic.SetLicense(@"D:/GD Licenses/Conholdate.Total.Product.Family - 2023-07-06.lic");

    // Define the paths to source and target files
    string source = @"D:/document1 (1).jpg";
    string target = @"D:/document1.jpg";

    // Create a temporary output file
    var temOutputFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();

    // Initialize the Comparer with the source document
    Comparer comparer = new Comparer(source);

    // Add the target document for comparison

    // Compare the documents and specify comparison options
    comparer.Compare(@"D:/mustbeimage.jpg", new CompareOptions() { GenerateSummaryPage = false });