Conflict between GroupDocs.Redaction and Aspose.PDF version 22.8.0 onwards leads to Redaction Failure

Hello there,

I have come across an issue in my development project involving document redaction with GroupDocs.Redaction. When I include the GroupDocs.Redaction library in my project, the redaction of documents functions as expected. However, when I add a reference to the Aspose.PDF library (version 22.8.0 and onwards), the redaction process fails.

Below are the details of my scenario:

Below are the details of my scenario:


  • GroupDocs.Redaction version: 23.3.0
  • Aspose.PDF version: (Starting from 22.8.0 and onwards)

Source code

using GroupDocs.Redaction.Redactions;
using GroupDocs.Redaction;
using static System.Drawing.Color;

using FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("input.pdf");
using var redactor = new Redactor(stream);
var log = redactor.Apply(new ExactPhraseRedaction("Boring", new(Black)));
foreach (var redactionLog in log.RedactionLog)
    Console.WriteLine($"{redactionLog.Redaction.Description} [{redactionLog.Result.Status}] : {redactionLog.Result.ErrorMessage}");
using (FileStream fsOutput = File.OpenWrite("output.pdf"))
redactor.Save(fsOutput, new() { Enabled = false });

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Create a project with GroupDocs.Redaction. Perform redaction on a sample PDF document.
  2. Add a reference to Aspose.PDF (version 22.8.0 or later).
  3. Perform the same redaction process.

Expected Result: The redaction process should work without any issues after adding a reference to Aspose.PDF.

ExactPhraseRedaction (searching for "Boring") [Applied] :

Actual Result: The redaction process fails after adding a reference to Aspose.PDF (version 22.8.0 or later).

ExactPhraseRedaction (searching for "Boring") [Failed] : System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void Aspose.Pdf.Rectangle..ctor(Double, Double, Double, Double)'.
   at .(TextFragment , Color )
   at .ReplaceText(Regex , ReplacementOptions )

Input PDF:

embedded.pdf (3.0 KB)

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