February 9, 2021, 6:35am
Hi Team,
We are trying to convert PDF to HTML through API by first uploading and then converting and downloading. By checking the API logs we are able to see the conversion is showing success. But our code is throwing 500 API error. Basically, the download call is not happening. For small files, less than 2MB the code is working fine. But above that files, we are having the issue. If you can help with our application exact logs , we can analyse more.
Are you implementing/evaluating our Cloud API? Could you please share more details on the API variant (e.g. Java, PHP, .NET)?
February 11, 2021, 8:44pm
We are using python .
Our code for instantiating , uploading, and downloading -:
def GetConfig(cls):
configuration = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.Configuration(cls.client_id, cls.client_secret)
configuration.api_base_url = ""
return configuration
def UploadSampleFiles(cls,foldername,filename):
# api initialization
storageApi = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.StorageApi.from_config(cls.GetConfig())
fileApi = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.FileApi.from_config(cls.GetConfig())
# upload sample files
print('upoadin filee ',filename)
destFile = filename.replace(foldername+"\\", "", 1)
fileExistsResponse = storageApi.object_exists(groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ObjectExistsRequest(destFile))
if not fileExistsResponse.exists:
fileApi.upload_file(groupdocs_conversion_cloud.UploadFileRequest(destFile, filename))
print("Uploaded file: "+ destFile)
def DownloadFiles(cls,dir,html_file_name,filepath):
# Create instance of the API
# api initialization
storageApi = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.StorageApi.from_config(cls.GetConfig())
fileApi = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.FileApi.from_config(cls.GetConfig())
request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.DownloadFileRequest(filepath, "demo")
response = fileApi.download_file(request)
print("Expected response type is Stream: " , type(response)," ",type(request)," ",response," ",request)
# #filename.write_bytes(response.content)
copyfile(str(response), os.path.join(dir,html_file_name))
except groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ApiException as e:
print("Exception while calling API: {0}".format(e.message))
For conversion-:
class ConvertToHtml:
def Run(cls,filepath):
# Create necessary API instances
apiInstance = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_config(Common.GetConfig())
# Prepare convert settings
settings = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertSettings()
settings.file_path = filepath
settings.format = "html"
convertOptions = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.HtmlConvertOptions()
settings.convert_options = convertOptions
settings.output_path = 'demo'
# Convert
result = apiInstance.convert_document(groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings))
print("Document converted: " + result[0].url)
This issue is already logged and under investigation. Please refer to this thread .