Conversion issue with specific (complex) document

Hello, using Groupdocs conversion nuget 22.12.0 results in a mistake in the conversion output to pdf. See original document in link: Upload Files Easily | Free File Upload and Sharing Up To 10GB

On page 3, the table headers are a bit malformed where the black and blue color is used (output pdf also in download link).

Is there anything you (or I) can do to fix this?

Thanks a lot

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We cannot reproduce this issue at our end. Please take a look at this output.pdf (85.1 KB) and the following code:

// C# code to convert DOCX to PDF
License lic = new License();
const string sourceFileName = @"D:/test.docx";
using (var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(@"D:/test.docx"))
     // Set the convert options for PDF format
     var options = new PdfConvertOptions();
     // Convert to PDF format
     converter.Convert(@"D:/1converted.pdf", options);

Could you please share your sample code?

Hi @Atir_Tahir , thanks for the swift reply. We had a lot of load options and converter options and it seems that the reason for the small issue was related to the PdfFormat that i set to v1_7

When i use the default pdf format, all seems ok

converter.Convert(new SaveDocumentStream(() => output), new PdfConvertOptions()
                            MarginBottom = 0,
                            MarginLeft = 0,
                            MarginRight = 0,
                            MarginTop = 0,

                            PdfOptions = {
                                PdfFormat = PdfFormats.v1_7,
                                OptimizationOptions = {
                                    CompressImages = false,
                                    ImageQuality = 100
                                Zoom = 100

What is in fact used as the default PDF format in groupdocs?

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When setting PdfFormat you can set it to default. Please take a look at this API reference guide.