Conversion result using ver 24.03 different from

Hi GroupDocs,

I tried to use GroupDocs Conversion ver 24.03, to convert .docx to .pdf but the thai language result is not as expected.
Doc :
image.png (5.5 KB)

Pdf result from conversion :
image.png (14.0 KB)

Pdf result from Online DOCX to PDF converter | Free GroupDocs Apps
image.png (12.5 KB)

My code :
using (var converter = new Converter(pSource))
var options = new PdfConvertOptions();
converter.Convert(pTargetExt, options);

Is there any other pdf options I should add to get same result from the demo?


test.docx (89.9 KB)

test_result_from_code.pdf (55.4 KB)

test.pdf (100.3 KB)

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This issue is reproduced at our end. Therefore, we have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

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Hi @atir.tahir

May I know what does it mean if the issue status is Blocked?
CONVERSIONNET-7086 ---- Status : Blocked



CONVERSIONNET-7086 is currently blocked by a related internal issue. We’re actively working on resolving this internal issue, and will keep you updated on any progress.


May i know what is the status update of the issue?
Also, how can i transfer this ticket to paid support since this one is a free support?


This ticket is still under progress, it is actually blocked by another internal ticket that we are currently working on. However, you could avail priority support at GroupDocs paid support helpdesk.


We have paid account, how can we transfer this ticket to our account?


If you already have a GroupDocs paid support helpdesk account. You can simply create a ticket there and paste this thread reference/link.


Please use WordProcessingLoadOptions with property UseTextShaper = true. A complete code snippet is:

    .Load("test.docx").WithOptions(new WordProcessingLoadOptions
        UseTextShaper = true
    .ConvertTo("test.docx.pdf").WithOptions(new PdfConvertOptions())

This option is available in API version 24.8.