Convert a PowerPoint document to PDF with same SmartArt font color in Java

A PowerPoint with black SmartArt Text gets changed into white text when converted to a PDF.

To reproduce:

  • Create a PowerPoint that contains the SmartArt Text feature with black font.
  • Convert the PowerPoint to a PDF using the Java GroupDocs SDK.
  • The black SmartArt text is now white in the PDF version.


  • GroupDocs Conversion SDK: Java (1.8.0_181)
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
  • GroupDocs version: 18.7 (43.9 KB)


Thank you for your inquiry.
This issue is reproduced at our end. Hence, it has been logged in our issue tracking system with ID:CONVERSIONJAVA-468. We are investigating it further. You shall be notified as we have any update on it.

internal issue id: RD-4630


We are still investigating the issue, you shall be notified as we have any further update.

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We’re pleased to notify you that your reported issue CONVERSIONJAVA-468 is now resolved in version 19.6. Please download latest release and integrate it in your project.

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