Convert CGM to VSD issue in .NET C#

Hi Team,

I am using group docs nuget in my c# application for converting CGM to VSD file.
But I am getting “Microsoft does not support CGM file” error.
Actually I can convert CGM to SVG after that SVG to VSD file but the final output converted VSD file was not editable in Visio.

Kindly let me know if there any way to convert CGM to VSD and make it as editable in Visio.

Dinesh K.

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Please share a problematic/sample CGM file and we’ll look into this scenario.


We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is CONVERSIONNET-5735. We’ll notify you in case of any update. (32.2 KB)

Here with I have attached sample CGM files along with group docs code snippet.


Thanks for the details. We are investigating this scenario.