Convert E-Mail with attachments to PDF & same attachment names

Hi, I have an email (M1.eml) with a Word document (A.docx) and an email (M2.msg) attached. The attached email (M2.msg) that has two Word documents (A.docx and B.docx) attached.


  • A.docx
  • M2.msg
    • A.docx (same filename but different content)
    • B.docx

I want to convert everything to PDF and need the email-structure in the end. After converting with

EmailLoadOptions loadOptions = new EmailLoadOptions();

I get 5 PDF streams/files “flatten”. How can I determine which A.docx became which PDF? Apart from the sourceFileName, I don’t get any additional information about the source in SaveDocumentStreamForFileType or ConvertedDocumentStream. (i.e. no Content-ID, no length, no source stream that I could use to create a hash code, etc.)

Does anyone have an idea?

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