Convert PDF to PNG in Linux using Java


I tried to convert entire PDF to PNG files using GroupDocs 3.0.0 for Java. It works fine in Windows, but not working in Linux.

File file = resource.getFile();
InputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
String fileName = file.getName();
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List converts = CONVERSION_HANDLER.convert(input, fileName, options);
long finish = System.currentTimeMillis();"Time taken to convert all pages (file size: {}, total pages: {})): {} ms", file.length(),
converts.size(), (finish - start));

Exception in thread "main" class class File not found File: /tmp/appassembler/bin/Data/Cache/JavaPersistence.pdf/1/JavaPersistence.png
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.cache.a.a.getOutputSaveStreamInternal(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.b.pR(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.d.pR(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.f.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.f(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convert(Unknown Source) ---> class File not found File: /tmp/appassembler/bin/Data/Cache/JavaPersistence.pdf/1/JavaPersistence.png
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.cache.a.a.getOutputSaveStreamInternal(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.b.pR(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.d.pR(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.f.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.f(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convert(Unknown Source)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.f.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.f(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convert(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.f.a(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.f(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convert(Unknown Source)
Caused by: class File not found File: /tmp/appassembler/bin/Data/Cache/JavaPersistence.pdf/1/JavaPersistence.png
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.cache.a.a.getOutputSaveStreamInternal(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.b.pR(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.d.pR(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.f.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.f(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.a(Unknown Source)
com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convert(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.cache.a.a.getOutputSaveStreamInternal(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.b.pR(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.converter.c.d.pR(Unknown Source)
... 6 more

Folder that is created in cache folder:



Thank you for taking interest in Next Generation GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 3.x and posting your query.

We are investigating your issue and get back you after completing the investigation.

Please stay tuned.


We have investigated your issue and we are able to reproduce it at our end.
Hence we have logged your issue in our internal issue tracking system with ID: CONVERSIONJAVA-200.
As we’ll get any update from the concern team we’ll notify you.

Please stay tuned.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONJAVA-200) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by groupdocs.notifier.


Thank you for your response. May I know how to see the status of the issues that we have raised?
We need to see the progress.



Thank you for the response, but I don’t see this issue in the release notes.


We have asked our development team about this issue, we shall notify you as soon as we’ll get any update from the concerned team.

Please stay tuned.

Hi There,

Your issue was logged in our internal issue tracking system. We got an update from the concerned team there. Please try the latest version of the API and share your feedback with us.

Kind regards

May I know the status of these following issues:
Dynamic blocks
These issues are blockers for us to consider GroupDocs for purchase


Thank You for your patience.

We have informed concerned team about these issues, we shall notify you as soon as we"ll get any update from them.

Best Wishes.


Thank You for your patience.

We have asked concerned team about these issues, we shall notify you as soon as we"ll get any update from them.

Best Wishes.