Convert XLSX file To PDF using C# in .NET

Hi,Imported file file 4 - DCF DB validations .xlsx_(0).zip (2.0 MB)

We are getting Index outside the bounds of the array exception while trying converting an .xlsx file (2MB) through the Groudocs.Conversion Utility.

Please find attached the problematic .xlsx document and below is the description of the complete exception.

Exception Log Details… 11/3/2017 3:51:33 AM
Date Time : 11/3/2017 3:51:33 AM ,
NameSpace : ,
Class Name : ? ,
Method Name : ? ,
Exception Message : Index was outside the bounds of the array. ,
Error Trace : at ? . ? (Int32 )
at Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.RemoveAt(Int32 index)
at Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteBlankRows(DeleteOptions options)
at . ???(Int32 , Stream )
at ? .( , SaveOptions )
at ? .? ???( , SaveOptions )
at . ???( , SaveOptions )
at GroupDocs.Conversion.Handler.ConversionHandler.[T]( , SaveOptions )
at GroupDocs.Conversion.Handler.ConversionHandler.Convert[T](String guid, LoadOptions loadOptions, SaveOptions saveOptions)
at EZI.DocToPDF.Common.GroupDocsUtils.GroupDocsConversionUtility.ConvertToPdfAsStream()
Inner Exception:

User IP:
Windows Identity: System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity
Primary Identity: *******
Log ID: c7e6a25c-e109-45f6-8e10-86fe97fe163d
[2017/11/03 05:12:53:520] PID[28732] ThreadId[1] [FATAL] – GroupDocs License Path:C:\DocToPDFService\Licence\GroupDocs.Conversion.Product.Family.lic
Log ID:
[2017/11/03 05:12:53:555] PID[28732] ThreadId[1] [FATAL] – Temp Doc Store Path:C:\DocToPDFService\TempDocStore
Log ID:
[2017/11/03 05:12:53:556] PID[28732] ThreadId[1] [FATAL] – Temp Doc Store Path:C:\DocToPDFService\TempDocStore
Log ID:
[2017/11/03 05:12:53:556] PID[28732] ThreadId[1] [FATAL] – Temp Doc Store Path:C:\DocToPDFService\TempDocStore
Log ID:
[2017/11/03 05:12:53:557] PID[28732] ThreadId[1] [FATAL] – GroupDocs License Path:C:\DocToPDFService\Licence\GroupDocs.Conversion.Product.Family.lic
Log ID:
[2017/11/03 05:12:53:557] PID[28732] ThreadId[1] [FATAL] – License Path:C:\DocToPDFService\Licence\GroupDocs.Conversion.Product.Family.lic

Note: We are using function public static Stream ConvertToPdfAsStream() inside the class GroupDocsConversionUtility.cs to do the conversion.

Please help with the same.

Thanks and Regards
Hemant Adhupiya


Thank you for your inquiry. Can you please tell which version of the API you are evaluating or integrated in your project? We’ll then investigate the issue and let you know about the outcomes.


Version of GroupDocs.Conversion API used is :

Hemant A


We successfully reproduced this issue at our end. Hence, we’ve logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID:CONVERSIONNET-2234. As we get any update from the concerned team, you shall be notified.


Issue CONVERSIONNET-2234 is resolved. Please use latest version of the API and share your feedback.