Converting HTML to PDF - Margins not working


I have recently upgraded from 24.3 to 24.5 and now my margins are no longer when converting HTML to PDF.

        using (var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(inDocument, () => loadOptions))
            var convertOptions = new PdfConvertOptions();

              convertOptions.MarginBottom = 20;
              convertOptions.MarginTop = 20;
              convertOptions.MarginLeft = 20;
              convertOptions.MarginRight = 20;

            converter.Convert(outDocument, convertOptions);

I notice in the release notes for 24.4 HTML conversions were changed. Could this have caused the problem?

Please can this be fixed ASAP!



Could you please also share the source/problematic and output files? We’ll then investigate this scenario.

I have attached the output from the different versions.

Unfortunately it does not allow me to upload .html files, but the source file could not be simpler.

<p>This is a basic sample html.</p>

and the application source code can be found above.

I have also now tried V24.4 which also works, so it only appears to be present in the most recent update.

output_24_3.pdf (127.1 KB)
output_24_4.pdf (127.1 KB)
output_24_5.pdf (112.6 KB)

This issue is reproduced at our end. Therefore, we have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


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The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONNET-6973) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by nikola.yankov