Converting Msg to Pdf with Pagesize A4 renders a blank page

Converting msg to pdf with defaut PdfConvertOptions settings renders wrong page ratio (very high page), but setting PageSize to A4 renders a blank Pdf page (the file is not empty because the size is not 0ko). We are using dotnet 6 and GroupDocs.Conversion 24.3.0. Here is the code snippet:

ConverterSettings converterSettings = new()
    Logger = new GroupDocsLogger(_logger)

_formatFichierCible = request.FormatCible;

using Stream sourceStream = new MemoryStream(request.FichierSource.Contenu);

using MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream();

using var converter = new Converter(
    () => sourceStream,
    (sourceType) => new EmailLoadOptions
        ConvertOwner = true,
        ConvertOwned = false,
        Depth = 0
    () => converterSettings);

int index = 0;
    () =>
        return (index == 1) ? outputStream : new MemoryStream();
    (sourceFileName, targetFileType, convertedFileStream) =>
        _logger.LogDebug($"Le document {sourceFileName} a été converti dans le format {targetFileType}");
    // Provider des options de conversion
    (sourceDocumentName, sourceDocumentType) => new PdfConvertOptions()
        Format = PdfFileType.Pdf,
        PageSize = PageSize.A4
    }); (443,1 Ko)

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Could you please share the problematic MSG and resultant PDF files as well? We’ll then investigate this scenario.

I’ve updated the original post with the problematic MSG and resultant PDF.

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This issue is reproduced at our end. It’s been observed that this issue appears when we set PdfConvertOptions e.g. Format and PageSize. We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


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