Creating world and excel tables with two expandible variables


We are trying to replace our old reporting software with groupdocs. There’s however two types of tabels that we are unable to recreate within groupdocs. In the attachment I have provided an example of these tables.

One is an excel table with a variable amount of columns and a variable amount of rows. Basically we would need to be able to do a ‘horizontal’ for each loop over one array of objects, and within each loop a normal (vertical foreach loop) for another array of objects contained within the first set of objects.
(In this specific example: We have a variable amount of samples and a variable amount of analysed parameters. We need to display the measurement values of the parameters under each sample)

In word we have solved this a bit differently: We create the same table but it gets split every 3 samples, resulting in a new table for every 3 samples. We thought we might be able to recreate this by using a “.GroupBy” option, but we have been unable to reproduce this.

Are these functionalities currently possible within groupdocs / will they be possible in the future? (550.9 KB)

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If the number of columns are fixed as per the Word Processing sample document you shared, then you can use template syntax as follows to output collection of items per three in a row:

|<<foreach [item in items]>><<[item]>>|<<next>><<[item]>>|<<next>><<[item]>><</foreach>>|

Here “|” stands for a cell column border. The same approach can be used for Spreadsheet documents, if needed. More information on the next tag can be found at Adding NEXT Field into Template Syntax.
If the number of columns is not fixed and may grow dynamically, there is no ready-to-use feature to address that at the moment.