Degrading of header options


I am wondering if there is anyway, other than setting booleans to false in the properties file, of limiting the header options. The issue I have is when the viewer is rendered on a smaller screen (see first image below) where the options are on two lines and then the viewer is resized (see seond attachment).

Is there a way to keep all the options on one line and have a … button that pulls up the other options or something like that ? I am open to any suggestions.

Hello John,

Thank you for the request. Yes, you can use such JavaScript code:

This code will auto re-size the Viewer. Please note that #viewAREA is a Viewer div id.

Best regards.


This did not work, was this code suppose to be placed in the index.jsp file ? And I assume the viewer id div you are talking about would be the one specified in index.jsp.


Yes, you are right, this code should be placed to index.jsp file and in html tag .

Also for more information you can investigate our documentation page for triggers customization here.


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
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