DOC/DOCX - when removing only "Author" property, the “Content type”, “Scale” property will also be removed .NET

Remove doc/docx properties, the “Content type”, “Scale” property will be removed. and the ContentType is empty.

We are using v18.6 and here’s the demo codes:
var format = new DocFormat(filePath);
DocMetadata metaData = ((DocFormat)format).DocumentProperties;
The metaData.ContentType is empty, and it is read only, cannot be assigned to.

Here’s the test file and screenshot. (80.3 KB)


Thanks for using GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET and sharing your concerns.

The code you are using is to get document properties for Doc/Docx file format. Would you please share the code you are using to remove Doc/Docx properties?

Here’re the codes:

var format = new DocFormat(filePath);
DocMetadata metaData = ((DocFormat)format).DocumentProperties;
metaData.Author = string.Empty;

Btw, we also find that when removing only the Author property, the language and Version number properties will also be removed. Here’s the test file for this issue. (18.0 KB)


Thanks for providing details. We investigated your issue and were able to reproduce it at our end. We have logged it in our internal Issue Tracking System as METADATANET-2460 for further investigation. We shall keep you notified in case of any updates.


The issue you have found earlier (logged as METADATANET-2460) has been fixed in this release.