Please clone or download the application. Restore NuGet packages and build the project, all the missing directories.png (7.8 KB) will be created itself.
The directories did, but the files did not. Please see the pic attached. The solution had the .js files as missing in VS and also the corresponding Github directory is empty.
image.png (28.4 KB)
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These directories (e.g. annotation/css, annotation/js) are obsolete and nothing will be downloaded in them. They will be removed after you build/run the project. Once project is built successfully, this.JPG (65.7 KB) is how it should look like. Please note that in next commit/release of the project we will remove all the obsolete directories just to avoid any further confusions.
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The files that you show in your picture this.JPG are not restoring or showing when I open the solution in my visual studio. Is it possible for you to provide all the project files to me. Basically, the annotaion folder under Resources does not exist for me and I do not how to get them.
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Please follow these steps.png (36.4 KB). Hopefully your issue will be resolved.
The steps did not help. I still feel github is missing some files. Could you please tell me why files like annotation.css and annotation.mobile.css were removed from github?
We moved from jQuery to Angular, that’s why those files are not required any longer. We can successfully build and run this MVC application. Please see this screenshot.JPG (77.2 KB). Please clone/download the project (latest commit) again, restore NuGet packages, build and run project.