We have two Word documents that causes an exception when they are compared with GroupDocs.Comparison.
137.docx (35.0 KB)
237.docx (34.9 KB)
Comparing the documents produces the following exception:
Unhandled exception. GroupDocs.Comparison.Common.Exceptions.DocumentComparisonException: Error occurred in comparing Word documents
at ☻▬§.☻(♣↑↨[] ☻, ♣↑↨[], CompareOptions ♣, ♥↨ ♠)
at ↓.♥§♥▬☻(♥§ ☻, CompareOptions, SaveOptions ♣)
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.☻(Stream ☻, Document, Document ♣, CompareOptions ♠, SaveOptions ♥, ♣§ )
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.Compare(Stream document, SaveOptions saveOptions, CompareOptions compareOptions)
This code was run with GroupDocs.Comparison 24.4.0 in a .NET 6.0 console application on a Windows 11 machine:
using var comparer = new Comparer(loadPath1);
The exception is only thrown if document 137 is added first to the comparison. If document 237 is added first, the comparison produces an output document as expected.
When comparing the documents with the online tool we get the following error:
Something went wrong
Server is not available
I suppose this is because of the same crash